
I have a question nothing to do with struts2, but with web apps design and I would be gratefull if you could help me with this problem:

Well, in my app there are some forms. Imagine you click an item to edit its configuration. Then, the edition form appears. Then, you change some value and click another link (another item, for instance), but *you did not submit your changes*. I would like to tell the user that there are unsaved changes and if he want to continue or cancel the navigation to keep in the form, so he can now submit it. I could do it with a global javascript variable "sthChanged", but I would have to modify *each* <input> element to add it an onchange event to set sthChanged=true when changes. And, besides that, I would have to modify each link to check that variable and execute a confirm javascript dialog if it is true and so on...

Is there a better aproximation for this problem? Do you know any websites where exist this use case?

Thank you.

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