On 01/08/2017 16:07, Mikael Ekblom wrote:


I have tried to move some related logic for the whole realm to the DefaultLogicActions-implementation within our Syncope. Now though I can see that during the pull and the subsequent creation of the users, the defaultlogicaction beforeCreate, afterCreate etc. will never be triggered during actual pull and the subsequent creation. Updates after the pull (if a field changes) do trigger the suitable functions (beforeUpdate, afterupdate etc. ).

The action is specified for the realm, where I put the users during the pull. No error messages or anything indication a serious problem.

Am I missing something or should it just not be possible to do? I think the sync process should generate a create request towards the core at some point even if you pull the information from an external source?

Hi Mikael,
LogicActions are triggered when the Logic layer is involved, e.g. during REST calls.


If you need to perform custom tasks during pull, use PullActions.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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