On 2018/03/07 08:10:49, Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org> wrote: 
> On 07/03/2018 09:01, ale...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have implemented LDAPUserOwnerPropagationActions and it works perfectly 
> > when in syncope console on group I click Manage Resources -> Select 
> > Resource -> click Provision.
> > In Active Directory (AD) managedBy is filled successfully.
> > Also it works when I edit group and update userOwner and any other 
> > attribute that is mapped in Mapping. The changes are propagated to AD 
> > successfully ( LDAPUserOwnerPropagationActions is triggered).
> > BUT when I edit group and update only userOwner, then this changes are not 
> > propagated to AD ( LDAPUserOwnerPropagationActions  is not triggered).
> >
> > DO you have any ideas about this?
> Hi,
> glad that almost everything is working for you now (BTW: any chance to 
> share your use case somehow?).
> About the last point, you are essentially updating a Group, and as a 
> consequence of this, you want Users to be propagated: in the general 
> case, Syncope does not work this way: when you modify a Group, that 
> Group's provisioning will take place; when you modify a User, that 
> User's provisioning will take place.
> In order to trigger provisioning of a given Group's members instead, 
> you'll need, after updating the Group itself, to explicitly invoke the 
> "provision members" / "deprovision members" feature for the given Group.
> As always, you can do this either by calling the corresponding REST 
> endpoint, e.g.
> POST /groups/{key}/members/{actionType}
> or via Admin Console: select the Group's row, then "provision members" / 
> "deprovision members"  from the menu.
> Regards.
> -- 
> Francesco Chicchiriccò
> Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
> http://www.tirasa.net/
> Member at The Apache Software Foundation
> Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail
> http://home.apache.org/~ilgrosso/

Hi Francesco,
Thanks for your efforts and quick response.

I want to clarify some points to make sure you understand me correctly.
> About the last point, you are essentially updating a Group, and as a 
> consequence of this, you want Users to be propagated
No, I'm updating "Group Ownership" (userOwner) for Group (GroupTO.userOwner), 
so as a consequence, I want Group to be propagated. I want managedBy to be 
filled in Active Directory (AD) with evaluated value (based on ConnObjectLink).

And solution with "provision members" doesn't work.
So, I edit group, update only "Group Ownership" (userOwner), save group. 
UserOwner is not propagated to AD (as well as LDAPUserOwnerPropagationActions 
is not triggered). And if I press "Provision members", "Group Ownership" 
changes are not propagated to AD. 
Only select group -> "Manage Resources" -> Select Resource -> "Provision" let's 
to propagate "Group Ownership" (field managedBy becomes updated in AD).
I guess "Provision members" will propagate only the members of the group.

So the problem remains,  updating "Group Ownership" does'n lead the Group to be 
propagated to Active Directory.

Any ideas?

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