
This is related to my earlier question about creating Realms based on
dynamic VO's (organized as o= entities in LDAP).

I'm trying to get FULL RECONCILIATION working, which succeeds for the first
time, but results in unique "u_realm_name" constraint violations on second
attempt, even though I have set matching rule to ignore. So, it seems
syncope has no way of understand what realms are allready provisioned and
this is intended as a one-time provision action?

The setup uses the __ACCOUNT__ objectclass, because that's the only way I
got the search code to apply my object filter (I don't want objects of
objectClass=dcObject). Mapping to organization only doesn't apply this

In the mapping, I assign internal 'name' to  external 'o' (Remote Key,
purpose: <-) and use Object link 'o='+name+',dc=scz,dc=vnet'.

I set the resource Account objectClass to organization and LDAP Filter for
Retrieving Accounts to (!(objectClass=dcObject)). I can see this working
correctly when I explore the resource.

First time pull results in these succeful actions:
Realms [created/failures]: 3/0 [updated/failures]: 0/0 [deleted/failures]:
0/0 [no operation/ignored]: 0/0

Realms created in the root realm:
CREATE SUCCESS (key/name): 3a3370df-3aa2-4787-b370-df3aa2278786///Foobar
CREATE SUCCESS (key/name): 38d90785-ab9c-4fc8-9907-85ab9c2fc8e4///Foobar2
CREATE SUCCESS (key/name): b3c86117-400b-457d-8861-17400bf57d5d///Foobar3

But all succesive attempts result in these exceptions in the
core-connid.log (abbreviated for readability):

org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityExistsException: The transaction has
been rolled back.  See the nested exceptions for details on the errors that

Caused by: org.apache.openjpa.persistence.EntityExistsException: ERROR:
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "u_realm_name"
  Detail: Key (name, parent_id)=(Foobar,
ea696a4f-e77a-4ef1-be67-8f8093bc8686) already exists. {prepstmnt 220401755
PASSWORDPOLICY_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)} [code=0, state=23505]

If I set matching policy to update, this should never result in an INSERT,
so it's clear there is no match and the provisioner tries to "provision".

Best regards,
If 'but' was any useful, it would be a logic operator

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