Also, most of our Windows users are less interested in building the
compiler and more interested in using it to generate code for their
project.  We provide windows binaries for this (cross-compiled from
Linux, naturally.)


On 05/05/2011 10:10 AM, Diwaker Gupta wrote:
> 2011/5/4 Bjørn Borud <>:
>> there is another issue that few people touch on when comparing the
>> two, but which is important in practice:  the Thrift compiler is not
>> very portable, in the sense that it can quite obviously be built on
>> different operating systems, but you can only expect it to build
>> painlessly on Linux.  which sort of nullifies some of its usefulness
>> if you want to use it as a cross platform tool.
> Well this isn't really a point of comparison since the protobuf
> compiler is also in C++ and equally "less portable". Further, while I
> agree that it is important for the libraries to be cross-platform, I
> imagine most users being OK with the compiler available on one or two
> platforms. Finally, I know for a fact that the Thrift compiler can be
> compiled on Mac and Windows (with some effort) so there's proof of
> existence. Things can certainly be improved though.
> Diwaker

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