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*From:* Sean Broeder []
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 13, 2016 6:26 AM
*To:* '' <>; '' <>
*Subject:* RE: trafodion get stuck and hbase log shows "followed by a
smaller key"

Hi Qiao,

I am very sorry you ran into this issue.  I’ve never seen this before, but
I don’t typically use hive to load my tables.  I think you should open a
JIRA for this. Do you know if the problem is repeatable?  If so, please put
any details to reproduce into the JIRA.  Also, if you could set  in
hbase/conf / that would be helpful.



*From:* 乔彦克 [ <>]
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 13, 2016 1:37 AM
*Subject:* trafodion get stuck and hbase log shows "followed by a smaller

Hi, all,

    I use hive to load some data to do some test. This morning after I
loaded some data I did a sum query which leading to a HBase regionserver
crashed. Then I restart HBase hoping to do some load balace, but just got
these errors in the HBase regionserve log.

    The worse is that I have no other choice but to execute "initialize
trafodion, drop" because the trafci can only execute this command.

   some other Trafodion table region has the same problems.

   Do you ever encountered this problems?

   Any replies is appreciated.



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