Hi Erik,
I mostly edit XMLs by hand (also because I use IntelliJ IDEA) but I think
you may tell Maven that desc is a resource folder:



</resource> ... </build>


2012/5/11 Erik Fäßler <erik.faess...@uni-jena.de>

> Hello all,
> I have a question on how you deal with a specific use case and would like
> to know if you have some suggestions for me.
> I use Maven for all my Java projects and so I do for my UIMA related
> projects. Now I have a quite large pipeline with lots of descriptors. They
> reside in (or subdirectories of) the 'desc' directory of the 'UIMA nature'
> structure.
> Currently I am about to pack these single-AE descriptors into aggregates.
> For importing all single-AEs into the AAE descriptor, I would like to use
> "import by name". However, the 'desc' directory is not a library for
> eclipse and thus, the AAE descriptor editor doesn't list the descriptors
> residing in this directory - I can't add them (and when I edit the XML, I
> get error messages about descriptors not found).
> I would like to just add the 'desc' directory to the build path as an
> "class folder" (not a source folder, this won't work), i.e. as a library.
> When I do this manually, Maven would overwrite it the next time it updates
> my project configuration.
> Have you any ideas here? Do you use 'import by name' for your PEARS? Do
> you just live with the error messages and edit the XML directly?
> Just would like to know how you do it - and if anyone knows a way to tell
> maven that 'desc' should be a library, I'd be glad :-)
> Best regards,
>        Erik

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