For further reference:

-- Richard

On 22.11.2013, at 07:37, Richard Eckart de Castilho <> wrote:

> I believe the JCasIterable is currently implemented as a loop which calls
> "process" on the analysis engines for every CAS produced by the reader
> and then returns the corresponding CAS. This wouldn't work with multipliers.
> Can you please file an issue in the Apache Jira, preferrably with a minimal
> test case attached. It shouldn't be a big problem to fix this for the next
> release. A patch already fixing this would also work, of course ;)
> Cheers,
> -- Richard
> On 22.11.2013, at 08:01, Swirl <> wrote:
>> I have successfully used CasMultiplier to spilt up a document into segments 
>> for further processing using SimplePipeline.runPipeline().
>> I did this by wrapping the CasMultiplier and the succeeding Annotator within 
>> a 
>> aggregate.
>> But by simply changing the usage of SimplePipeline.runPipeline() to using 
>> JCasIterable. The code no longer runs correctly, i.e., it's returning as CAS 
>> only the number of physical documents, instead of the segments that i 
>> expected.
>> How can I can CasMultiplier to work with a JCasIterable?

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