Am 20.02.2014 08:50, schrieb Debbie Zhang:
> Hi all,
> Due to some restriction at work, I have to install UIMA Ruta  on Eclipse
> manually. Although I have put in all required jar files to the plugins and
> features folders, it seems the plugins are not installed properly. I only

First of all, it is problematic to just copy the feature and the plugins
in the respective folders for different reasons. If you just want to
install a few plugins, I'd rather copy them to the dropins folder. Have
you started your Eclipse with the -clean argument? You could also
download the update site, and install the bundles using a local update site.

The UIMA Ruta Workbench has two main dependencies in Eclipse: UIMA
tooling and runtime, and DLTK.
My first guess would be that these bundles are missing.
Can you please check if both are correctly installed?

There is a way to get more information about the status of the installed
bundles in Eclipse: start your Eclispe with the -console argument. There
should be a command line prompt  like "osgi>". Enter "ss" to show the
state of all bundles (active and resolved is good, installed is bad) and
remember the id, e.g., of org.apache.uima.ruta.ide_2.1.0. Then, enter
"start <id>". If there are missing dependencies, there should be some

> have the following three views under  Window->Show View->UIMA Ruta:
> TextRuler, TextRuler Results and UIMA Ruta Documentation. All other views
> are missing. Under Help->About Eclipse->Installation Details->Plug-ins, I
> can see the following four plugins are related to Ruta: ruta-ep-engine,
> ruta-ep-ide, ruta-ep-ide-ui, ruta->ep->textruler. 

At least two are missing: ruta-ep-caseditor and ruta-ep-addons

> There is no error to run Main.ruta in the ExampleProject came with Ruta
> 2.1.0 source release.

Ah OK. You did not open the script with the editor, but only created a
launch configuration, right?
Looks like the UIMA bundles are installed, but not DLTK.



> Ruta 2.1.0 was installed on Eclipse 3.7.2.
> Please help. Thank you!
> Regards,
> Debbie

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