Yes, I fixed some old dependencies and got rid of the XML errors.  Now I am
getting the following warning when calling the code below...  Seems this was
an old problem that was fixed several UIMA releases ago.  The only old UIMA
thing I have in dependencies is uimafit1.4 which is for some deprecated code
that will eventually be removed.

WARN  [                          uima] SAXTransformerFactory didn't
recognize setting attribute
WARN  [                          uima] SAXTransformerFactory didn't
recognize setting attribute

    URL resource = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource( descriptorPath);
    XMLInputSource source = new XMLInputSource( resource);
    AnalysisEngineDescription aed  =
    ResourceManager manager = UIMAFramework.newDefaultResourceManager(); 
    HashMap<String, Object> paramap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    // Set the initial CAS heap size.
    paramap.put( UIMAFramework.CAS_INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE, "1000000");
    // Disable JCas cache.
    paramap.put( UIMAFramework.JCAS_CACHE_ENABLED, "false");
    this.engine = UIMAFramework.produceAnalysisEngine( aed, manager,

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Eckart de Castilho [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: Apache UIMA Java sdk 3.0.0 released

On 19.03.2018, at 20:36, D. Heinze <> wrote:
> Got runtime errors that were fixed by finding a version of Xerces (version
2.4.0 in this case) that would keep all dependencies happy.

Hm... I think that the XML support coming with recent JDKs (1.8 in
particular) should be sufficient for the needs of UIMA. 

Did you check if your project setup might be drawing in "old" versions of
XML libraries?

Which runtime errors did you get?


-- Richard=

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