The XMLBeans representation of a collection (for something with a maxOccurs GT 1) is a bit limiting... I'm looking to extend it to look more like a Map interface... and I'm hitting some brick walls...
For discussion sake, I'll use a structure with three fields:
struct foo
    int ID;
    String name;
    HashMap metadata;
The 'metadata' field contains arbitrary name/value pairs - for simplicity we'll say 'name' and 'value' fields in the hashmap are always strings...
The obvious (to me, at least) schema for this is something like:
 <xs:complexType name="NVP">
   <xs:element name="Value" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute name="Name" type="xs:string"/>
 <xs:complexType name="NVPCollection">
   <xs:element name="Entry" type="my:NVP" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:complexType name="testCase">
    <xs:element name="ID" type="xs:int"/>
    <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="metadata" type="my:NVPCollection"/>

I could build another layer on top of this, but this could get ugly - What I really need is a way to extend NVPCollection so I can address items by name (like in a HashMap) rather than by position... 
The ideal would be something like (assuming that we have a mechanism to bind the 'name' field to the map key and the 'value' field to be the one of interest)...
NVPCollection thisCollection;
// some magic here to get the collection populated...
someValue = thisCollection.GetByMap("someArbitraryName");
.... Or we could save some binding complexity by doing ...GetByMap("someArbitraryName","value"), saying "get the field 'value' from the collection member whose key field contains 'someArbitraryName'" (The presumption is that the binding to the key field 'name' would need to be established earlier so the map can be maintained)
As I read the documentation, I could build an extension like this, but I'm hosed if I want to do anything more sophisticated than a linear search through the collection on each 'get' call - Unless I'm missing something, I need a place to put an instance-specific HashMap object to maintain mapping between the key field ('name') and the array index... more than a little difficult with the 'static method' requirement for the extension  (Not to mention the population problem for the HashMap object itself, but a preSet or postSet implementation would work as long as I never try to delete anything)..
Presumably I could also build an 'extendedNVPCollection' class, based on the NVPCollection class generated by XMLBeans, but how would I wire that back into my (XMLBeans-generated) 'testCase' class?  I don't want to get into creating wrapper classes for every layer...
I tried ignoring the "don't touch - generated code" warnings and added some stuff directly to the generated classes for the NVPCollection object, but things started breaking - I'm not sure if the problem is a flaw in my hacking or a fundamental problem I won't solve, so I'm seeking advice - am I tilting at windmills here?
Does anyone have ideas as to better ways to do this?


Tim Parker
Senior Developer
PaperThin, Inc.
617-471-4440 x 203


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