Is it possible to override the w3c XSD at runtime?
For e.g., I would like to make 'processContents' =
Skip or Lax instead of Strict in the following schema
during run time:
<xs:complexType name="ExtType">
           <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="strict"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="50"/>

In other words, I am trying to avoid changing the
schema and thus create a new schema version just for
this small change. I primarily introduced 'ExtType'
above for schema extension so that any further changes
(like application specific) to the schema using this
part should not affect the validation. I tried adding
an extra element (both with and without namespace)
using the above type and the schema validation failed.
Finally found out that making processContents = 'skip'
is the solution to introduce any new application
specific elements with no namespace.


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