Hi Adam,

Adam wrote:

> Is there a way to read and write directly to EXI compressed format?

XStream delivers a BinaryDriver that writes a more efficient (proprietary) 
format than XML, but it's certainly not as compact as EXI. 

> Right now I'm using openEXI to compress XML files after
> I've written them to disk.
> But it would be nice to stream EXI files directly into xstream unmarshal.
> Supposedly, EXI format increases io speed.
> Its possible using EXI would further increase xstream overall
> performance for java serialization, while saving on file space as well.
> Are there any plans to support EXI readers in XStream?

Not yet, but it sounds very interesting.

> Is it possible?  If so, I would gladly contribute to this effort?

I did not have a closer look to EXI or the available 3rd party 
implementations yet, but in principle, it should be possible to write 
comparable code to com.xstream.thoughtworks.io.binary to read and write EXI 

Contributions welcome ... :)


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