Hi Jörg,
The Hibernate PersistentSortedSet needs a SessionImplementor, which I hide in 
lower layer API, so I instead opted to use "order-by" in hbm.xml, and my POJO 
uses a LinkedHashSet, that combination works (db sort should be faster as 
well). (I tried modifying the TreeSetConverter and TreeMapConverter to get 
around the "comparator" tag, but without success. Since I have one way that 
works, I'll just leave it at that.)
- amit.

> To: user@xstream.codehaus.org
> From: joerg.schai...@gmx.de
> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:11:28 +0100
> Subject: [xstream-user] Re: specifying the comparator for TreeSetConverter
> Hi Amit,
> sorry for the late response.
> Amit Basu wrote:
> > I get com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.CannotResolveClassException:
> > comparator in
> > 
> com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.TreeSetConverter.unmarshal(TreeSetConverter.java:86)
> > I am using a SortedSet with TreeSet impl and hibernate mapping file has
> > <set name ="groups" .... table="..."  sort="com....MyComparator", etc to
> > me, it seems XStream's TreeSetConverter is not getting my comparator class
> > from the hbm.xml, and complaints that "comparator" class is not there. If
> > I switch to Set and HashSet, there is no issue, but then I'd have to
> > implement the sorting at a higher layer.
> I am not sure what you try to accomplish. Any Hibernate support in XStream 
> is one-way only i.e. you can marshal a Hibernate PersistentSortedSet and you 
> will get a TreeSet at unmarshalling time.
> Note, that I have absolutely no Hibernate experience, so I don't know what 
> you can do with the Hibernate mapping files. All test code in Xstream was 
> provided by helpful users.
> As far as XStream is concerned, the PersistentSortedSet is handled by the 
> HibernateSortedSetConverter which is derived from the TreeSetConverter. That 
> one will marshal also the comparator that is returned by 
> SortedSet.comparator().
> So how does the XML for this comparator looks like that has been produced by 
> XStream? What do you exactly mean with "complaints"?
> Cheers,
> Jörg
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