Am 21.08.2012 12:37, schrieb Josh Amishav-Zlatin:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Reindl Harald < 
> <>> wrote:
>     /show_content.php?sid=126&amp;detail_id=3984
>     i have a modsec-rule to kill such requests because they
>     will never show the expected content - is there a way
>     for modsec or httpd to replace them with the correct &
>     and fix this transparent?
> Hi Reindl,
> Mod_Rewrite should be able to help

i doubt mod_rewrite for some hundret of vhosts before
the application firewall will not be so good :-(

it is so frustrating that there are so many broken
mail-clients and robots which are too stupid to
handle correct encoded HTML-URLs in a proper way

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