
We need a high availability solution. To this extent I did some research on the 
usage of ActiveMQ.

According to this documentation 
(http://activemq.apache.org/replicated-leveldb-store.html) LevelDB store is no 
longer supported.
Wasn’t LevelDB newer DB solution? Wasn’t it going to replace KahaDB?

According to this documentation 
(http://activemq.apache.org/kahadb-master-slave.html) KahaDB replication is not 
currently supported.
Will it ever be? Also it looks like the documentation is broken, could it be 

If replicated DB is not supported what is the supported high availability 
solution that ActiveMQ has that can;

  *   Support multiple slaves
  *   Replication of queues


Could the ActiveMQ sibling be the solution?

Thank you for any information you can provide.

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