

We are working with Apache Artemis 2.4.0 and trying to determine the Queue 
Message Counters. 


1.       Invoking the Jolokia API to display MessageCounterHistory:

$ curl -u artemis:artemis -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d 
'{"type":"exec", "mbean":"o                                                     
              unterHistory"}' '' && echo




The response just indicates the counters as -1, -1, -1, ...............and it 
is very hard to interpret this output, given that it does not reflect what each 
counter signifies. Can someone point towards the description or syntax of this 
output JSON?

All I see in the the API doc for QueueControl.listMessageCounterHostory() is 
that it lists the message counter history for this queue.


2.       Also tried to interpret and run the message-counters example that 
comes with Artemis 2.4.0 
 The example makes use of 
org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.management.MessageCounterInfo class that I 
do not see available in artemis-jms-client-all-2.4.0.jar. How can we run or 
test out the example against our broker set up to see the result of Queue 
Message counter related APIs as we need these for our development work further.




Oracle Marketing Cloud


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