
I notice Apache Artemis still uses ParallelGC by default. Did anyone try Java 
17 or 18 with ZGC already?

We're using a symmetric cluster setup. Our nodes have 4 CPU's and 24GB memory. 
With ParallelGC we're experiencing long stop the world pauses every few weeks, 
resulting in an instable cluster (because of unnecessary failovers/failbacks or 
even crashes). The situation improved with G1GC, except for major garbage 
collections. ZGC looks promising with really short pauses, but I'm uncertain 
whether this is tested and production ready with Artemis 2.26.0?

P.S. We're experiencing some strange behaviors with this setup. The cluster is 
working well, but suddenly redistribution seems to fail on one of the nodes 
resulting in missing messages. More on this in a separate issue...

Best Regards,




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