I'm planning to move to Jakarta namespace (JEE10). What I understand is:

1. ActiveMQ Classic Server: Jakarta is not supported (but will be soon from
version 6).
2. ActiveMQ Classic Client: Jakarta is supported.
3. ActiveMQ Artemis Server: Jakarta is supported.
4. ActiveMQ Artemis Client: Jakarta is supported.

Is this correct?

For some dependencies, I need specific Jakarta ones. Is there an overview
(a table) for both Classic and Artemis with the list of dependencies for
javax and jakarta and from which version this is supported. It's practical
to known when to change the dependency artifact name, but also interesting
when it stays the same.


I'm also planning to upgrade the Java version. Do the latest versions also
support Java 21, or should I stick with Java 17 for now? Is here also an
overview table for both classic and artemis? Similar to the compatibility
matrix of Gradle:




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