I'm sure there are STOMP and/or AMQP clients out there which you can use
from PowerShell to send messages. However, ActiveMQ itself doesn't provide
such clients.

I recommend you check out stomp.py [1]. I know it supports the ability to
send messages from the command-line so you should be able to integrate it
into your PowerShell script. If its command-line support doesn't suit your
needs I'm sure it would be simple to write your own Python script and use
its full-featured client API to do exactly what you want.


[1] https://github.com/jasonrbriggs/stomp.py

On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 2:37 AM Shiv Kumar Dixit
<shivkumar.di...@it.eurofinseu.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am exploring a way to securely (TLS) send/receive message to Artemis
> broker via PowerShell. Previously I tried configuring REST interface, but
> it was updated in community ticket that REST interface is now
> decommissioned, and STOMP protocol is expected to cover all the use cases
> intended for REST interface.
> If there is any example or KB available to use STOMP and PowerShell
> together which I can refer? Currently I don't see any PowerShell script
> sample included with Artemis distribution.
> Thanks
> Shiv

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