Weekly Meeting

Buildbot has weekly meetings via irc, held at 17:00 BST (London Time) on Tuesdays.

Meetings are in #buildbot on Freenode, open to any and all participants. They generally focus on organizational, rather than technical issues, but are open to anything Buildbot-related. To raise a topic, add it to "All Other Business" in the agenda, or just speak up during the meeting.

Meeting minutes are available here.

Buildbot Issues

Opened Issues

3413Relax builder name length restriction
3414Relax step name length restriction
3416python 3 master <==> python 2 worker, does not work
3420buildStarted method doesn't receive any useful information in buildbot 0.9
3425QuantifiedCode service will shutdown at 22 Juli 2017
3427Inconsistent REST api
3429How to graceful shutdown one/all workers?

Completed Issues

3406fatal Exception on DB. tried to complete 100 buildrequests, but only completed 25
3409Release process is broken
3417JWT Signature verification failed
3422Tracker for `RolesFromDomain`
3428First Run tutorial is maybe missing something for it to work on Ubuntu 16.04

Buildbot Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

3410add support for buildernames in REST api
3426Update manhole to work with Python 3, and Twisted 16.0.0
3432Add primary keys in tables lacking them

Completed Pull Requests

3403buildbot_pkg: use same version as buildbot
3405Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 27
3411fix duplicate buildrequests in buildrequest collapser
3412Fix issue when several mail notifiers are used with same parameters, …
3415Fix renderability of a build step name
3418Fix python 3 issue with displaying the properties in API call
3419Relnotes for post2
3421Fix ShellArg arguments being rendered only once
3423Added support for Roles for Email Domain
3424fix typo on virtualenv doc creation
3430Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 28
3431Add dummy primary keys in tables lacking them

Buildbot-Infra Pull Requests

None this week

Meta-buildbot Pull Requests

None this week
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