
Can I see the code that you do in the testProcessor?
If you don't set the exchange.outMessage(), you should get the right parameter from the inMessage body.


jejmaster wrote:

I am using the Camel 2.3-SNAPSHOT and implementing the CXFRS routing through
ProxyClient. I have setup my JAXRS Service Class method to accept 2
parameters, a String and an Object. The service is working fine when i am
invoking it directly but when i am using the cxfrs camel routing,  these 2
parameters are having null values. Anyway here's my setup:

My Service/Resource Class:

Class MyService{

   public ModelCollectionTO getPatients(@FormParam("loc") String location,
@FormParam("") ModelTO modelTO){

Router Definition:

        <from uri="cxfrs:bean:serviceRouter" />
             <process ref="testProcessor" />
        <to uri="cxfrs:bean:serviceEndpoint?httpClientAPI=false" />

I tried to use a test processor to capture the exchange and the inMessage.
The 2 parameters are correct. with values:

location: "String";
ModelTO: firstName="FirstName", lastName="LastName"

But after it routes through the endpoint, the 2 parameters are getting null

location: null;
ModelTO: firstname=null, lastName=null.

I have checked the camel-cxf code and enabled the Trace logging. I might
need additional logs in the invokeProxyClient method of the CxfRsProducer to
see where the inMessage.getBody() values gets converted or loss

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