If they are registered as OSGi services, the InterceptStrategy should
be available in all contexts create with spring and blueprint.
However this won't work with java or scala DSLs for examples.

I'm going to need that for ServiceMix so I hope to have it ready for
2.8, but in the mean time, an OSGi service should work.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 00:21, Marco Westermann <marwesterm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> just tested the interceptor this page describes:
> http://camel.apache.org/advanced-configuration-of-camelcontext-using-spring.html
> (chapter: Using container wide interceptors). But this doesn't work for me.
> If I understand it right, the interceptor is only taken from the routes
> defined in the same osgi-bundle (jar-file deployed to smx) (this could be
> the mentioned container) But I want to intercept every route deployed in smx
> without changing the route itself. My goal is to develop an interactive
> monitoring tool for camel routes, where you can see the following things:
> Which routes are active in smx at the moment.
> Which endpoints have been processed.
> Which messages have been sent to these endpoints.
> Therefor I'd like to intercept each route by deploying a seperate component
> (osgi-bundle) to smx. The component takes the informations about the routes
> (route-infos, bodies, headers etc.) and sends them to a remote service
> (maybe a web service). An independent application then can visualize the
> routes and the messages passed through the routes. One idea is to implement
> this tool into the smx web-console.
> If I get this to work, I would like to provide the tool to camel if you are
> interested in such a thing.
> best regards,
> Marco
> Am 24.06.2011 17:10, schrieb Marco Westermann:
>> Hi,
>> is it somehow possible to intercept a route from outside the camel
>> context? I'd like to write a module which intercept every route which is
>> deployed in SMX and does something with the intercepted messages.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Marco

Guillaume Nodet
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
Open Source SOA

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