On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 09:14, Marco Westermann <marwesterm...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi Guilliaume,
> thank you for your answer. But if I use an osgi-service I have to include
> that service into my routes somehow, don't I. Your solution goes this way:
> http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/Camel-OSGI-and-container-wide-interceptors-td2269044.html
> ?

Yeah, I think you're right.

> Of course the better solution would be to inject every route in all contexts
> without implementing the monitoring in the route-project itself.

Camel 2.8 is supposed to be released soon, so I guess i'll have to
work on that for 2.9 as I don't have a good understanding of what I
really need yet.
But I think you and me are trying to achieve the same things, so I do
hope we'll find a common solution.

> regards, Marco
> Am 27.06.2011 08:51, schrieb Guillaume Nodet:
>> If they are registered as OSGi services, the InterceptStrategy should
>> be available in all contexts create with spring and blueprint.
>> However this won't work with java or scala DSLs for examples.
>> I'm going to need that for ServiceMix so I hope to have it ready for
>> 2.8, but in the mean time, an OSGi service should work.
>> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 00:21, Marco Westermann<marwesterm...@gmx.de>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> just tested the interceptor this page describes:
>>> http://camel.apache.org/advanced-configuration-of-camelcontext-using-spring.html
>>> (chapter: Using container wide interceptors). But this doesn't work for
>>> me.
>>> If I understand it right, the interceptor is only taken from the routes
>>> defined in the same osgi-bundle (jar-file deployed to smx) (this could be
>>> the mentioned container) But I want to intercept every route deployed in
>>> smx
>>> without changing the route itself. My goal is to develop an interactive
>>> monitoring tool for camel routes, where you can see the following things:
>>> Which routes are active in smx at the moment.
>>> Which endpoints have been processed.
>>> Which messages have been sent to these endpoints.
>>> Therefor I'd like to intercept each route by deploying a seperate
>>> component
>>> (osgi-bundle) to smx. The component takes the informations about the
>>> routes
>>> (route-infos, bodies, headers etc.) and sends them to a remote service
>>> (maybe a web service). An independent application then can visualize the
>>> routes and the messages passed through the routes. One idea is to
>>> implement
>>> this tool into the smx web-console.
>>> If I get this to work, I would like to provide the tool to camel if you
>>> are
>>> interested in such a thing.
>>> best regards,
>>> Marco
>>> Am 24.06.2011 17:10, schrieb Marco Westermann:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> is it somehow possible to intercept a route from outside the camel
>>>> context? I'd like to write a module which intercept every route which is
>>>> deployed in SMX and does something with the intercepted messages.
>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>> Marco

Guillaume Nodet
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
Open Source SOA

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