
Have you tried look at the unit tests to see if there is an test that
may help you on the way.

And if possible can you post the full stracktrace, maybe edit the post
on SO. And also try with newer Camel versions if possible.

On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 11:13 AM Shafeeq Muhammad
<shafeeqe.muham...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm setting up apache-camel in spring boot application. And it is worked
> fine for file and ftp consumer/producer. But while trying to use azure-blob
> component as consumer the following error appears.
> *com.microsoft.azure.storage.StorageException: Server failed to
> authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is
> formed correctly including the signature.*
> *My router is*
> *@Component*
> *public class AzureFileImporter extends RouteBuilder {*
> *@Bean*
> *protected StorageCredentials azureAuth() {*
> *return new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(*
> *    "AccountName",*
> *    "PlainAccountKey");*
> *}*
> *@Override*
> *public void configure() throws Exception {*
> * from("azure-blob:AccountName/ContainerName/blockBlob? *
> *  credentials=#azureAuth")*
> *    .routeId("azureFileImporter")*
> *    .noAutoStartup()*
> *    .log("Downloading file ${header.CamelFileName} complete.")*
> *    .to("file://input/ftp")*
> *    .end();*
> * }*
> *}*
> *While using azure-blob component with same account as producer no error is
> thrown. But the blob is not uploaded into the storage. Also tried with
> Base64 encoding of the key.*
> *Versions used:*
> *apache-camel : 2.22.1*
> *springBootVersion = '2.0.5.RELEASE'*
> Link to my stackoverflow question: here
> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53887740/how-to-fix-server-failed-to-authenticate-the-request-error-in-apache-camel-azu>

Claus Ibsen
http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2

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