It would be interesting to propose this feature for the new version of
cloudstack, why not for the cs 4.3 ?

Regards, Benoit.

2013/10/4 Alena Prokharchyk <>

> Rafael, there is no way to filter offerings by the caller type, not even
> in the DB.
> "Public" attribute means that the offering is available to everyone in the
> cloud; there is another alternative - offering can be domain specific. In
> this case it can be used by all users from this domain/its subdomains.
> As a workaround, you can set the name for the offerings you want to be
> visible to admin, with some prefix. And filter out those offerings when
> return the result to the regular user - but for that some custom
> modifications need to be done in the CS UI.
> -Alena.
> On 10/3/13 3:31 PM, "Rafael Weingartner" <>
> wrote:
> >Hey all,
> >
> >I was wondering, I have some server offering that should just be used by
> >the administrator, so, is it possible to hide them from normal users?
> >
> >I noticed that when I am creating a service offering there is a check-box
> >called public? So, I created some service offering that would be used just
> >for by the administrator, but they are appearing for all users (I did not
> >check that checkbox).
> >
> >I also tried to check and uncheck the check-box(by the way it seems there
> >is a javascript problem on that page) and then selecting a domain like
> >root, but still the offerings are appearing to everybody.
> >
> >Is it the expected behavior?
> >Do you happen to know if I can change any flag on the database and hide
> >them from normal users?
> >
> >--
> >Rafael Weingartner
> >

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