Looks like I found issue, it is /opt/cloud/bin/xenheartbeat.sh script which is running in all hosts.

On 2016.03.30. 11:14, Mārtiņš Jakubovičs wrote:

This morning I faced unexpected problem, one of XenServer hosts rebooted. I checked logs and it looks like due network issue, but question is why host rebooted it self? CloudStack's XS Pool is not HA enabled. And as I know, in ACS 4.3.2 CloudStack did not manage Host's HA or am I wrong?

Mar 30 07:00:33 cloudstack-1 heartbeat: Potential problem with /var/run/sr-mount/858d490c-38e8-0f44-2840-c6acb98c3ae9/hb-b81b5d17-dea8-4257-a9b5-30b52229cc68: not reachable since 65 seconds Mar 30 07:00:33 cloudstack-1 heartbeat: Problem with /var/run/sr-mount/858d490c-38e8-0f44-2840-c6acb98c3ae9/hb-b81b5d17-dea8-4257-a9b5-30b52229cc68: not reachable for 65 seconds, rebooting system!

[root@cloudstack-1 ~]# xe pool-list params=all | grep ha-
                      ha-enabled ( RO): false
                ha-configuration ( RO):
                   ha-statefiles ( RO):
    ha-host-failures-to-tolerate ( RW): 0
              ha-plan-exists-for ( RO): 0
             ha-allow-overcommit ( RW): false
                ha-overcommitted ( RO): false

So did ACS manage some kind of host's HA?

XenServer 6.2
ACS 4.3.2

Best regards,

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