
What have you got your storage cleanup thread timer set to? ACS will normally 
run a periodic process to expunge deleted storage objects.

- si

From: David Amorín <david.amo...@adderglobal.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 4:04 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Erased snapshot/templates still remains in storage

Hi all,
I just wanted to share with you the following behavior we saw on CS
4.5.2 and now we also see on version 4.9.

Our environment: Xenserver 6.5, Cloudstack 4.9, primary storage: iSCSI
Description: When I take a volume snapshot, I see an snapshot in
XenServer primary storage:xe vdi-list name-label=snapshot-20161010uuid (
RO)                : 81d37e1c-d9a7-431e-9996-7a550b72528bname-label (
RW): snapshot-20161010name-description ( RW):sr-uuid ( RO):
36eb8055-90f1-8cbf-e35c-3b13c0dd701avirtual-size ( RO):
26843545600sharable ( RO): falseread-only ( RO): falseOnce it is
transferred to the secondary storage, I see the following
message:2016-10-10 13:44:38,897 DEBUG
[c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] (DirectAgent-419:ctx-7b451fd0)
(logid:b8c932db) Successfully destroyed snapshot on volume:
82d3194e-a4f0-4813-b0c9-c0c3c4a81deb execept this current snapshot
81d37e1c-d9a7-431e-9996-7a550b72528bThen when I delete from Cloudstack
this volume snapshots:2016-10-10 13:47:41,402 DEBUG
[o.a.c.s.s.XenserverSnapshotStrategy] (API-Job-Executor-69:ctx-77734d15
job-3789 ctx-1f2ebdf0) (logid:1cac9567) Snapshot: 754 doesn't have
children, so it's ok to delete it and its parentsChecking CS database,
in "snapshot_store_ref" table, the element with
install_path=81d37e1c-d9a7-431e-9996-7a550b72528b changed its status
from "Ready" to "Destroyed" but in Xenserver this vdi wasn't
deleted.Something similar happens deleting templates, but in this case,
in table "template_spool_ref", the referenced vdi never change to

If i don't have any wrong configuration on CS, i confirm that when i
delete a snapshot or template from CloudStack, the file VHD is deleted
correctly on the secondary storage but the volumen (VDI) on primary
storage remains. Can you confirm if somebody else has the same behavior?
When we take a manual snapshot or template. CS always keep the
snapshot/template on the secondary storage and ALSO on primary storage.
Is that correct?

Thanks for your help



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