
My current infrastructure is Apache Cloudstack 4.9.2 with VMware hosts and
the management server on CentOS.

I'm planning to perform an upgrade from the actual 4.9.2 versión to the
latest one.

I found this tutorial from Cloudstack website:


But i don't know if any of you already did it, and had upgraded the system?
I was wondering if anyone had any issues during the execution of the

And also if someone can send more info, or another guide to follow or best

We've check it out and found that we need to compile our own cloudstack
software because we're using vmware hosts, is it true? any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.

Marc Poll Garcia
Technology Infrastructure . Àrea de Serveis TIC
Telèfon:  93.405.43.57

[image: UPCnet]

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