If you set the offering to allow HA and create the instances as HA instances, they will autostart once the management server figures out they're really dead (either because it used STONITH to kill the unreachable node, or because that node became reachable again). When I had to reboot my cluster due to a massive network failure (critical 10 gigabit switch croaked, had to slide a new one in), all the instances marked "HA" came back up all by themselves without me having to do anything about it.

On 8/15/18 09:11, Asai wrote:
Thanks, Dag,

Looks like scripting it is the way to go.

On Aug 15, 2018, at 9:06 AM, Dag Sonstebo <dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

Hi Asai,

In short – no that is not a use case CloudStack is designed for, the VM states 
are controlled by CloudStack management. You should however look at using HA 
service offerings and host HA (if you meet all the pre-requisites). Between 
these mechanisms VMs can be brought up on other hosts if a host goes down.

Alternatively if you are looking to trigger an automated startup of VMs I 
suggest you simply script this with e.g. cloudmonkey. Keep in mind this still 
requires a healthy management server though.

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 15/08/2018, 16:47, "Asai" <a...@globalchangemusic.org> wrote:

    Thanks, Dag,

    On boot of the server, I would like the VMs to start up automatically, 
rather than me having to go to the management console and start them manually.  
We suffered some downtime and in restarting the hardware, I had to manually get 
everything back up and running.

53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK

On Aug 15, 2018, at 1:22 AM, Dag Sonstebo <dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

Hi Asai,

Can you explain a bit more what you are trying to achieve? Everything in 
CloudStack is controlled by the management server, not the KVM host, and in 
general the assumption is a KVM host is always online.

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 15/08/2018, 03:38, "Asai" <a...@globalchangemusic.org> wrote:


   Can anyone offer advice on how to autostart VMs at boot time using KVM?  
There doesn’t seem to be any documentation for this in the CS docs.  We’re on 

   I tried doing it with virsh autostart, but it just throws an error.

   Thank you,

53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK

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