Hi Paul,

> The release notes are still work-in-progress, but the systemvm
> template upgrade section has been updated. You may refer the
> following for systemvm template upgrade testing:
> http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/projects/cloudstack-release-notes/en/latest/index.html


We're doing our own tests right now, but ran into problems when
updating the system VMs.

For one, after registering the new VMware systemvm template, it is
shown as a "USER" template. I'm not sure if this is correct. Is there
an additional step to ensure it is considered a "SYSTEM" template?
I believe this is important so the SSVM and Console Proxy get upgraded.

Secondly, the upgrade instructions do not mention updating 
to the
version/name of the new template.

Without this step, routers won't be upgraded to the new template.
IMHO, it should be mentioned in all upgrade instructions.

Should I prepare a PR against the documentation?

Best regards,

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