
We're trying to create a multisite architecture where any VM could be
relocated to the secondary site whenever the primary site fails
(primary/backup for disaster recovery purposes). We don't require live
migration, and we are okay with shutting down machines in order to
relocate them.

We are using Cloudstack 4.15 on Ubuntu Focal. In our current setup,
each datacenter has a Cloudstack management node, as well as a few
hypervisors running KVM and a Cloudstack agent. We're using Ceph as
our primary storage, and NFS as our secondary storage on each site.

To ensure metadata resiliency, we've replicated the MySQL database
across both sites, much like described following this guide:


We tried setting up multiple zones, one for each datacenter, each one
having its own primary storage, but we are faced with the issue where
we are not able to migrate VMs across zones (only Pod/Cluster/Host
level is available). We tried this method using the GUI as well as via
the Cloudmonkey CLI.

Are we using the right level of abstraction for our case? If so, how
can we migrate a VM (compute + storage) from one zone to another? If
not, what is the right level to use that allows us to use two separate
primary storage endpoints and ensures that only the primary site gets
used for compute resource allocation in normal conditions?

Also, we would like to know whether there is some place where we could
find documentation for the best practices and guidelines when
addressing these more complex use cases.

Kind regards,


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