Hi Leo,

Here is the code snippet which handles the volume reset on reboot VM. 

May I know how did you test the volume reset, please try reboot after having 
some data in the volume which is created after the volume creation. From UI if 
you look at the volume name and details there won’t be any change, it’s the 
data which gets reset inside the volume.


From: Leo Leung <l...@steamr.com>
Date: Saturday, 16 March 2024 at 2:50 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: Volatile VM disks?
Hello everyone,

I am trying to use the 'volatile VM' feature. According to the documentation, 
it should "have their root disks reset upon reboot".

I created a new compute offering with 'volatile' enabled and then deployed a VM 
on a KVM node using a template image. The VM root disk is not resetting on 
shutdown/reboot.  I looked through the CloudStack source code but don't see 
anything obvious as to what would make the disks reset on shutdown/reboot.

Is there something else I need to do to make this work? Is this a feature only 
on specific hypervisors?



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