Jan Friesse <jfrie...@redhat.com> writes:

Currently I'm pretty happy with current Corosync alpha stability so it
would be possible to release final right now, but because I want to
give us some room to break protocol/abi (only if needed and right now
I don't see any strong reason for such breakage), I didn't release it


Currently I'm planning to release 3.0.0 in the beginning of December
but if it would mean to miss Debian freeze date I'm open to release it

No need, we should be plenty good with this, the target date of the
transition freeze is 2019-Jan-12.

Perfect. Have you had a time to play with packaging current alpha to find out if there are no issues? I had no problems with Fedora, but Debian has a lot of patches, and I would be really grateful if we could reduce them a lot - so please let me know if there is patch which you've sent PR for and it's not merged yet.

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