On Mon, 7 Mar 2022 14:49:35 +0000
CHAMPAGNE Julie <julie.champa...@pm.gouv.fr> wrote:

> The return gives nothing for the first command.
> Then:
> name="test-debug" host="node1" value="testvalue" for node1.
> After executing both commands on node2, it gives me the following return on
> both server:
> name="test-debug" host="node2" value="testvalue"
> name="test-debug" host="node1" value="testvalue"

Well, everything sounds fine.

There was a bug in Pacemaker 2.1 few weeks/months ago that has been fixed
quickly. I was wondering if there was some trouble with 2.0 around the same
issue, but it doesn't.

I don't understand why the "lsn_location" is empty here. It should have been
set during the pre-promote actions...

... wait, now I think about notify actions, it looks like you set "notify=true"
on "pgsqld", not on "pgsqld-clone"? Quoting your previous email, I can see
multiple errors:


Clone: pgsqld-clone

  Meta Attrs: PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/13/main
  bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin promotable=true start_opts="-c

  Resource: pgsqld (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=pgsqlms)

   Meta Attrs: master-max=1 notify=true


1. the parameter is pgdata, not "PGDATA"
2. "pgdata", "bindir", "start_opts" are not meta attributes, they are simple
3. "master-max=1" and "notify=true" are not supposed to be meta attributes of
   "pgsqld", but meta attributes of "pgsqld-clone".

Could you share the command used to setup this cluster? There's something wrong
with them.

I am surprised pgsqlms did not error'ed with this setup...

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