What encoding do you use in your DB? I solved all my encoding problems when I changed the encoding of my DB to UNICODE. (But I don't know if this possible in MySQL now. I migrated to PostgreSQL for this reason, a long time ago)


On Oct 17, 2003, at 4:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi people

i have (as many other people here) encoding problems with greek language

i have a mysql dadabase runing on winXP with greek content

i try a very simple query using cocoon 2.1 using two different connection

1. using MySQLConnector/j (3.0)
2. using ODBC connection

in case [1] i dont get greek characters in case [2] i get greek characters corectly but is not the way i want because in production mysql and cocoon will be in a linux box ?

in my simple example i just execute a .xsp and a xml serialization

i have try the simplest query:

                                        <esql:query>select * from contact</esql:query>

any idea ?

thnx --stavros

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