I know this is a issue largely discussed here, but for me the tips that I read didn't work.
I already try to set the current encoding in the sitemap, like you can see here:
   <map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.html" name="html" mime-type="text/html"
       pool-grow="4" pool-max="32" pool-min="4"
   <map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.xml" name="xml"
       mime-type="text/xml" pool-max="32" pool-min="16" pool-grow="4">
After that I keep getting the same error:
"org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Original Exception IOException : Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence"
Thanks in advance,
Carlos Dias

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