I just installed a fresh tomcat 5.5.0 on Fedora Core 2,
with jdk1.5.0, and that works fine (edited server.xml to
make it the default port 80 server).

Then I unwrapped Cocoon and typed ./build to get
the default set of targets. I immediately get the error:

# cd /opt/cocoon/cocoon-
# ./build.sh
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

Is something (ant) missing from The docs at
say "The build script overrides the existing ANT_HOME variable." 
In fact I do have ant installed, but I deliberately held back from
exporting ANT_HOME as I assumed Cocoon came with its own built-in ant.

OK, so backpedal...I unwrapped a copy of Cocoon 2.0.4 and copied the
cocoon.war file into the tomcat webapps directory. Tomcat picked it
up and expanded it, apparently correctly, but http://localhost/cocoon 
just gives me the error message (yes I *am* using port 80, not 8080):

HTTP Status 404 - /cocoon
type Status report
message /cocoon
description The requested resource (/cocoon) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.0

What have I done wrong?

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