On Tue, 2004-09-07 at 19:38, Antonio Gallardo wrote:
> Hi Peter:
> I use Fedora Core 2 with tomcat 5.0.28, j2sdk 1.4.2_05 and that work OK
> with Cocoon and cvs version.
> If you are a new in Cocoon, please try first tomcat 4.1.x with j2sdk
> 1.4.2_x. This configuration works on Fedora.

I'm not new to Cocoon (been using it since v1) but I don't reinstall
it that often :-) and I'm not a developer, so I don't track the code.

Using 4.x sounds sensible; I was just trying to keep up to date :-)

> Else, try to search another ant.jar and java libraries in your Fedora Core
> installation.

I have very bad experiences with ant (basically it appears to be 
non-functional anywhere I've tried it). I didn't even know it was
included in FC2. I wouldn't know what to do with ant.jar anyway
(there appear to be two on the machine, in /usr/share/java/ant.jar
and /usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar). Do I copy one of them into the 
Cocoon distribution directory, overwriting the one in 
/opt/cocoon/cocoon- ?

Hmm. I just did. Same error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

Grrr. Why O why is Java stuff always broken?

> If you are interested, here are some bugzilla reports related to j2sdk 1.5
> (aka. java 5.0):

Thanks but no thanks. Bugzilla is impenetrably user-hostile.

> But, I think we could avoid j2sdk 5.0 until the stable (final) version.

Good idea. But unfortunately the Tomcat site says it is a requirement
for tomcat 5.5

> Unfortunately, I had no time to test if Cocoon run on the new tomcat 5.5.
> Maybe someone else can confirm that.

I can confirm that it doesn't, and it seems to be the Launcher missing
from the ant distributed with Cocoon, not anything to do with Tomcat,
because you can't even build Cocoon as it stands: it's broken
as distributed. So it cannot be tested with Tomcat 5.5 yet.


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