This sounds like one of the "deeper mysteries" of XSL; best
to take this up with the XSL mailing list - where there are a number
of very clued-up people who could give you much more insight
into the specifics of this problem.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005/12/19 10:04 PM >>>

Thanks for all your help; think we found the problem - is it a case that 
later versions of xalan are more "strict" in what they allow then?

(Basically the problem seems to be an included stylesheet conditionally 
referencing a template which may or may not appear in the outer 
stylesheet if that makes sense!)

Thanks again


Geert Josten wrote:

> Put a xalan.jar next to the xsl and call:
> java -Xbootclasspath/p:xalan.jar -jar xalan.jar -in in.xml -xsl 
> book.xsl -out out.xml
> where you can replace in.xml with book.xsl if you have no input xml at 
> hand..
> :-)
> Cheers
> PS: the bootclasspath parameter makes sure that you are using the 
> xalan.jar you are providing yourself, not the one that is installed 
> with JDK.
> Duncan McLean wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thanks for this, can someone explain how to run the command line check
>> please as I am not sure how to manually check.
>> Thanks again.
>>> In case, is it not more likely that stylesheet itself was the
>>> source of the problem - in which case Geert's suggestion
>>> of a command line test should help you pin down the
>>> cause in more detail.
>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005/12/19 02:53 PM >>>
>>> Hi
>>> We commented out the "offending" xsl:include and the page rendered.
>>> Thanks
>>>> FWIW, I also migrated to 2.1.7 (but not from 2.0.4);
>>>> I have:
>>>> <map:transformers default="xslt"/>
>>>> in the map:components section, and
>>>> <map:transform src="filename.xsl">
>>>> i.e. no "type=" as an attribute...
>>>> what leads you to think the xsl:include s are the
>>>> source of the problem?
>>>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2005/12/19 01:59 PM >>>
>>>> Are you sure that there is no syntax error in the XSLT that was not
>>>> spotted by an earlier version of
>>>> Xalan, but is with a later one? Try applying the stylesheet to 
>>>> itself on
>>>> a
>>>> command-line to get a
>>>> syntax check.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Geert
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> We are currently attempting to move applications from v2.0.4 to 
>>>>> v2.1.7
>>>>> and
>>>>> have noticed that stylesheets containing xsl:includes are failing 
>>>>> where
>>>>> they functioned perfectly well pre-migration.
>>>>> The error we get is:
>>>>> Caused by: org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Unable to get
>>>>> transformer handler for
>>>>> file:/usr/local/apache/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/content/content/www.brokerzone.ie/xsl/bzcontent.xsl:
>>>>> org.apache.excalibur.xml.xslt.XSLTProcessorException: Exception in
>>>>> creating Transform Handler
>>>>> Cocoon runs under Tomcat (v5.5.9) in our case.
>>>>> I have seen a number of threads that suggest that it could be
>>>>> xalan/xsltc
>>>>> and so have tried changing the transformer type in the sitemap 
>>>>> pipeline
>>>>> from:
>>>>> <map:transform type="xslt"...
>>>>> to
>>>>> <map:transform type="xsltc"...
>>>>> and have also tried
>>>>> <map:transform type="xalan"...
>>>>> however this does not solve the problem.
>>>>> We have copied the latest xalan & xerces distribution jars to the
>>>>> endorsed
>>>>> directory of Tomcat to no avail.
>>>>> Anyone know how we can get round this problem?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Duncan
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>>>> Drs. G.P.H. Josten
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