Grzegorz Kossakowski schrieb:
> Andreas Hartmann pisze:
>> Hi Cocooners,
>> I have a SAX stream containing fragments of escaped XML, e.g.
>>   <p> this is a &lt;a href="..."&gt;link&lt;/a&gt; </p>
>> and want to convert the characters into SAX events:
>>   <p> this is a <a href="...">link</a> </p>
>> I collect and assemble the character events, but I don't know how
>> to parse the resulting string and generate SAX events without
>> too much effort.
>> I tried StringXMLizable and XMLByteStreamInterpreter, but ran
>> into problems because contentHandler.startElement() is called
>> or the prolog is not correct.
>> What's the best way to do this?
>> TIA for any pointers!
> I fear that your only option is to serialize XML, replace all escaped
> characters and parse it again. Serializing and parsing is really easy
> even inside transformer.


Here's something that doesn't look nice, but basically seems to work:

String string = "<unescape:wrap
    + this.buffer.toString() + "</unescape:wrap>";

StringXMLizable xml = new StringXMLizable(string);
FragmentHandler fragmentHandler = new FragmentHandler(this.contentHandler);

The FragmentHandler filters the startDocument() and endDocument() events
and the start/end events for the <wrap> element.
I'll do some more testing.

-- Andreas

Andreas Hartmann, CTO
BeCompany GmbH

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