Hi Johannes,
here is the pipeline. I set those parameters to imagedirectory-generator, xslt-transformer and to html-serializer. I found no change comparing to previous action.

<map:match pattern="selitykset/*/*/*/*.html">
   <map:generate type="imagedirectory" src="selitykset/{2}/{3}/{4}">
           <map:parameter name="depth" value="2"/>
       <map:parameter name="root" value="{2}"/>
       <map:transform src="selitykset/{2}/xml2html.xsl"/>
       <map:serialize type="html"/>

Johannes Textor kirjoitti:
Hi Mika,

I can confirm this, although it did not crash after 11 times, but about 15 ... whatever, can you please

- provide the pipeline that generates this error

- set "pool-max" and "pool-min" for all involved components to 1 in sitemap.xmap, restart cocoon and tell us what happens?


Lehtonen, Mika wrote:
Please try it by yourself, be my guest.

Open it and refresh it over ten times. It should crash. Then refresh it over ten times again and suprise, it works again! Any ideas?


Lehtonen, Mika kirjoitti:

I have an application which uses html serializer. It is a little complicated system to describe in this. Anyway the pipeline works and of some xml and a bunch of gifs is parsed a working html, but then we come to the strange part. It works eleven times, crashes eleven times and continues doing that. I can verify that even with using refresh button on the browser. Cocoon is 2.1.11 and first I get this error and after that the latter one. Any ideas?


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