Thanks for your help Johannes!

I believe I found the reason. I had type="noncaching" definition in my pipeline. I removed it and now it seems to working without errors. Try it out yourself.


Johannes Textor kirjoitti:
Sorry ... as I think of it, maybe you should use the less braindead command

lsof -p [id]

where [id] is the id of the process which actually runs cocoon.

Johannes Textor schrieb:
Hi Mika,

while trying again on your site, this time I got the following error:

(Too many open files)

This I think confirms my theory that your application generates too many
file handles, or that file handles remain open too long after they are
used by Java. I think it is an issue specific to your OS/JVM
configuration, since I cannot reproduce this problem here (on 32 bit
Ubuntu using JVM 1.5). You can find out how many files are being kept
open by typing the following command:

lsof | grep java


lsof | grep java | grep selitykset

If I'm right, then the second command should reveal that (too) many file
handles are left open. Maybe it takes some time for the OS to close
them, or maybe the garbage collector needs to come around to close the
handles - unfortunately, I do not know too much about how Java deals
with file system specific file handles internally.

Of course you could try to increase the max. open files limit for the
tomcat user, but it would probably be nicer to know while so many files
are opened in the first place. Can you try to find out more by using the
commands above?


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