2008/8/7 Peter Sparkes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am trying to pass various request parameter from the sitemap to a eXist
> xquery using:
> <map:match pattern="register-with-eXist">
>  <map:generate src="register.xq" type="xquery">
> <!--<map:parameter name="user" value="{flow-attribute:user}"/>-->
>     <map:parameter name="user" value="test"/>
>   </map:generate>
> I know the xquery is correct as I have tested it with the the URL
> register.xql?pass=test

register.xq (as you have in the map:generate) or .xql?  Also, you have
pass=test in the URL but name="user" value="test" in the
map:parameter.  Are those what you're actually using or just typos in
your email?

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