Hi again Miles,

I was just wondering, because you have been palying around with Netbeans/Cocoon, how do you "install" blocks so that you can use them as dependencies? This question may sound a little stupid to ask, but I am learning both Cocoon 2.2 and Netbeans at the same time now, and haven't yet got the whole picture inside my head. If I create two separate projects, one for Cocoon sample block and one for the web block, the web block doesn't "see" the sample block, allthough I edit the dependencies in the pom. How should I create Cocoon blocks in Netbeans in order to make interaction possible?


Miles Elam kirjoitti:
Hi Mika,

It wasn't a minor problem; it actually prevented me from working on
Cocoon blocks for a while.

Yes, with some difficulty, I got it working.  The root cause of the
errors is that (a) a dependency was using a relatively long version
string and (b) the Maven plugin was using the 32-bit Integer number
parsing for the version number. This was version 3.1.2 of the plugin,
I think.  This was no fault of the Cocoon dev team, but all of us got
caught in the crossfire.  The word given back in June or so was that
it would be fixed in 3.1.4, but so far, that hasn't happened.

NetBeans 6.5 M1 has a Maven plugin version 4.0, but that wouldn't work
for me either.  Instead, I had to download the nightly build.

Update: While looking for a link for you, I see that 3.1.4 has finally
been released.  If it hasn't shown up in the Update Center, you can
download it manually at
Unzip it and install it through Tools>Plugins>Downloaded>Add.

Hope this works for you.  And for what it's worth, I am very much
enjoying the transition from Eclipse to NetBeans.  No more standalone
Maven download step, and (most of the time) the Update Center keeps
everything running smoothly.  Far better than the Maven-Eclipse
integration to be sure.

- Miles

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Lehtonen, Mika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
this was due to fact that I didn't restart Netbeans after update, silly me..
I still couldn't get it totally working but it seems promising. Anyone doing
Cocoon application development with Netbeans? Does it work?


P.S. Once again, I apologize mailing too easily when I have these minor

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