Hi Miles and others,

I configured Netbeans so that it uses external Maven 2.0.9. By doing that, I got rid of problems so far, that is, 'mvn install' works using 'build' command. Also switching the debug mode on, may be wise while using external Maven. I tested this setup with the example of 'Deploying a Cocoon Application, http://cocoon.apache.org/2.2/1362_1_1.html ' with one block and got it working. The internal maven 2.1-SNAPSHOT in Netbeans seems not to be working right with Cocoon archetype. What is confusing, is that creating and deploying e.g. webApp.war, which has a dependency: myBlock, have to be requested by http://localhost:8080/myBlock, not http://localhost:8080/webApp. But that is how it should be, right?

- mika -

Miles Elam kirjoitti:
Hi Mika,

Unfortunately, I can't be of service here.  While I like NetBeans for
editing, compiling, etc., I am still very new at it.  For now, as I've
run into the same issues you have, I have been dropping back to the
command line to run mvn commands.  All of the same pom.xml resources
are there in the NetBeans projects just as they would be from the
command line.  I still find it worth the trouble to use NetBeans due
to its project creation and maintenance ease, but deployment is still
very much manual labor for me.

Sorry I couldn't be more of help.

- Miles

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 3:11 AM, Lehtonen, Mika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi again Miles,

I was just wondering, because you have been palying around with
Netbeans/Cocoon, how do you "install" blocks so that you can use them as
dependencies? This question may sound a little stupid to ask, but I am
learning both Cocoon 2.2 and Netbeans at the same time now, and haven't yet
got the whole picture inside my head. If I create two separate projects, one
for Cocoon sample block and one for the web block, the web block doesn't
"see" the sample block, allthough I edit the dependencies in the pom. How
should I create Cocoon blocks in Netbeans in order to make interaction


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