On Aug 26, 2008, at 5:31 AM, Ken Starks wrote:

And if so, in spite of the general consensus that 2.2 is the way forward, should I
just stick to the 2.1.11 (which satisfies my current needs) until
Corona catches up. ?

Hi Ken, I would say that there are only two reasons to ever upgrade. You would upgrade (a) if you need specific features or bug fixes in a subsequent release, or (b) to "amortize" your learning curve... i.e. if you feel that someday you will be facing (a), you might not want to wait until you are 5 releases behind the curve and have to catch up, when you'd be like those guys that post here saying "Can somebody help me upgrade my Cocoon 1.0.8 application? I'm kinda worried about all my XSP logicsheets and custom sitemap Actions..." and most of the people on the list weren't even _born_ when Cocoon 1.0.8 was released (kidding :-). So alternatively, you could have a policy of taking every upgrade no matter what — even though those point upgrades might entail some work, and may also expose you to new bugs — even though you don't get any immediate value out of it.

Or as someone has said (not in regard to software but it certainly applies here as well): "when the pain of the status quo exceeds the pain of change, then you change." :-)

So it's a judgement call. But I would say that if you really feel completely happy with 2.1.11, and 2.2 has nothing to offer you right now, then... you should stay with 2.1.11. Even if Corona/C3.x should "catch up" someday... unless you feel at that point that it offers you something you need/want. But if you do upgrade to 2.2, then I think I would consider going to the "stay up with the current release" strategy, especially since in the 2.2 world a lot of upgrading is covered by "update a bunch of Maven artifact version numbers in your POM".

cheers & HTH,

PS — FYI, I'm on the cusp of upgrading a whole slew of applications built on Cocoon 2.1.8 up to 2.2.0.

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