Hello Mika,

In your description you mention a maintenance task: data uploading and
conversion: you need to parse XML data and insert extracted entities
(polygons, ids) in a database. You do not need cocoon to do that.
I would use SAX and simply JDBC.
How do you represent your GIS-data for the users of your site?

Kind regards,

On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 18:58 +0300, Mika Lehtonen wrote:
> Hello Cocooners!
> I have a little project going on with the following brief description. I 
> was just wondering whether this be something that would be feasible to 
> implement with Cocoon.
> I have a XML schema and a Postgresql (PostGIS) table structure which fit 
> together, at least as much as possible. What I would like to accomplish is:
> 1) Upload a XML-file (Actually GML) into my server.
> 2) Optionally validate it against the schema.
> 3) Populate the Postgresql database with the data of that uploaded GML.
> 4) Populate PostGIS columns of the database with the geometries in that 
> GML-file.
> And someday I might want to do the same other way round, that is, save a 
> valid GML out of the Postgresql/PostGIS database.
> Any hints/ideas are most welcome. And maybe I am just trying to 
> re-invent a wheel again. If you know some framework/software which 
> already does this, please share your knowledge.
> With best regards,
> Mika Lehtonen
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