Hi there,

I have been supporting a cocoon app for several years and it has been quite successful when about 10 users are accessing it at the same time, in the 32 bit Windows/Tomcat envrionment.

Now, the app is being used by larger groups and in higher numbers. So I put it on in Windows 64 bit, using the new JDK 7 64 bit release and Tomcat 64, all on a server class machine.

I specified max memory to be 3500 MB.

A recent load test showed that searches are a problem. When a user runs a search and retrieves 1000 records, after several users doing this several times, the JVM runs out of memory.

I estimate it takes a retrieval of a total of 500,000 records (adding up each user's queries) before the server runs out of memory...

I tried the new garbage collector by specifying in Tomcat's Java options -XX:+UseG1GC but this seems to have little effect.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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