OK, one more question. Is it possible with Saxon/Xalan in C3 to invoke
external Java function ?
I can't get it working:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";

        <xsl:template match="Page">

                     <xsl:variable name="fileName" select="file"/>

                           <xsl:value-of select="utils:exists($fileName)"/>


Tried Xalan, tried Saxon. Both generates some strange errors with XML


2013/6/20 gelo1234 <gelo1...@gmail.com>

> The latest Saxon got the same _global_ variable context scope and doesn't
> allow overriding xsl:variables.
> OK, I will fix that :)
> Greetings,
> Greg
> 2013/6/20 gelo1234 <gelo1...@gmail.com>
>> Thank you! I will try to bring back Saxon :)
>> Greetings,
>> Greg
>> This was discused before in the mailing list [1], it's a two step process
>>> * Add saxon dependency to pom file. [2]
>>> I think it's better to try Saxon directly if you used to work with it.
>>> Xalan is usually faster but as you have to migrate already made templates
>>> from Saxon IMO it's better to switch the engine.
>>> [1] http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE
>>> [2]
>>> http://cocoon.markmail.org/message/mjuftsfwdxmnc5fn?q=saxon#query:saxon+page:1+mid:fe2faygf7jdfrzb3+state:results

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